Have you ever found yourself lost and looking for motivation at a time when you have a mountain of tasks to complete? You only need to convince yourself that you will do it tomorrow, not today, for it to become an endless cycle of torture.
Indeed, tomorrow is a new day and a new you. But you will probably be a more desperate version of yourself, discouraged by procrastination. This cycle usually comes to an end when the deadline is close enough to make you roll out of bed. But do you really have to wait for sleepless nights to get your motivation back? Definitely not! Fortunately, there’s a proven strategy that can give you your sleep back: using small steps to gradually increase motivation.
How Does It Work?
The greater the work you have to do, the more overwhelming it is. Especially projects that you cannot complete in one sitting can lead to feelings of failure and inadequacy, and you may be using procrastination as a short-term solution to avoid this. At the same time, no matter how far you go, you might not get the feeling of satisfaction at the end of the work because you have not finished the project that was originally your goal. Also, unfinished tasks might cause a state of tension and mental discomfort.
The method of small steps targets your brain’s reward system and cognitive processes to increase your motivation. Breaking your goal into smaller pieces creates new challenges that can be completed in less time and with less effort. Each time you complete these smaller tasks, your brain releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine, which is associated with pleasure and reward. This serves as a positive reinforcement that provides a sense of success and satisfaction, which then motivates us to pursue our next goals. It also relieves the pressure of goals that are not easily accomplished.
How To Put Small Steps Into Practice?
1. Start with something small. Think about the task you are struggling with and then determine the easiest step you can do for it. It could be something so small that when you first think about it, it may seem insignificant. But that’s not really important. How far away can a baby take its priceless first step?
For example, if you want to start to workout but find it intimidating, you can choose one or two exercise movements that you find easy and set yourself the goal of finishing them.
2. Try to be consistent. Build your goal into your daily life in small increments. For example, let’s imagine that you started your exercise goal with a few easy movements, then you can continue your journey by adding a new movement every day. When you establish a routine like this, eventually you will easily achieve what you dreamed of in the first place.
3. Set a timer. If you find it difficult to divide your goal into specific sections, you can also put the time you will dedicate as a goal. For example, if you have a project to finish, you can set a timer for half an hour and then sit down to work. Here it is more important to focus on your goal at the time you set than on the amount of work you do. Ultimately, this can create the desired feelings of success and contentment.
4. Focus on the work itself. Many of us give ourselves rewards at the end of doing something that we are not very willing to do. it could be a small chocolate bar or watching an episode of a favorite TV series. However, this can hinder the fulfillment and satisfaction of the activity itself and reduce your intrinsic motivation in the long run. Instead, focusing on the activity and what it can bring will help you stay motivated better in the future.
5. Visualize your progress. Often visualizing progress can increase feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction by clarifying the effort and time you have invested in it. This can range from something as simple as putting a checkmark next to your goal to complex flow charts. It is entirely up to your desire and creativity!
6. Accept flaws. It is very likely that you will experience challenges and moments of demotivation from time to time. At such times it is important to remember that this is a normal part of the process and life. When you face challenges, remind yourself of the progress you have made and refocus on the next small step.
By implementing small steps, you will regain your energy, ignite your inspiration and make significant progress towards your goals. Keep in mind the power of consistency and gradual progression during this process.
The fact that you have reached this article and read this far shows that the motivation you are looking for is not that far away from you. I can confidently say that you have taken your first small step, congratulations! So what will be the next step?
Featured Photo by Denys Sudilkovsky on Unsplash